Chaeng: Oh! I didn't even notice. We're almost there.
**Chaeng having so much fun walking with Mina.**
Mina: Where?
Chaeng: At the end of this road. Look!
**Mina followed Chaeng's index finger, and she was pointing at the long line of food stalls.**
Chaeng: Amazing isn't it?
Mina: Hmm...
**She stared at Chaeng while squishing her eyes and smiling with her pressed lips.**
**Shit! That stare and smile are melting me from inside out! Chaeng thought.**
Chaeng: Let's get roasted sweet potato?
**Chaeng offered to break from Mina's gaze. She's not ready for his yet. She thought.**
Chaeng: I knew a stall there that makes a perfect roast sweet potatoes. Want to try?
Mina: Yes! Yes!
**She wants to try it not because she wants to, but because Chaeng likes it.**
**Chaeng acted like a tour guide who pointed and introduced each stall. Telling Mina how delicious their food is, and Mina wanting to try everything because Chaeng recommends it.**
Chaeng: Here we are. Can we have two roast sweet potatoes, please?
**The old lady smiled and nodded. She didn't say a word but worked on getting their order without a delay.**
Mina: Wow! It smells so good.
Chaeng: I told you.
**She paused.**
Chaeng: Wait! You haven't tried it yet? I think someone's selling this near our training once in a while.
Mina: I haven't tried it yet. But Momo told me once that it's really good. I think I knew what you're talking about. It's the old guy who always wears a blue cap, right?
Chaeng: Yeah! Yeah! That's him. His sweet potatoes are tasty, too. I'm telling you, you should try that one, too. I always buy from him whenever he passes by.
**Mina nodded and smiled.**
Mina: Alright! I'll try it next time.
**The old lady handed them the two sweet potatoes they bought.**
Chaeng: Wait! It's hot.
**Chaeng didn't hand the sweet potato to Mina yet. Instead, she let it cool in her hand for a while---juggling it in her hands. And when she felt that the temperature was already bearable, that's the only time she opened it and handed it over to Mina.**
Mina: Thank you!
**That's sweet. So how do I call this now? Sweetest potato?**
**She stifled a laugh and shook her head. How silly you are Minari! She thought.**
Chaeng: Hmm... What's that?
Mina: Eh?
Chaeng: You're smiling. Did you see something?
Mina: Oh... no! I'm just happy that I played with you last night. Because if I didn't I won't experience all of this, and I might be in my room right now, playing games or watching movies without this sweet potato.
**Chaeyoung smiled, loving the weather, the place, and the beautiful smiling view in front of her.**
Chaeng: Well, I don't regret betting my allowance to Jeongyeon and Jihyo, too.
**I might have lost at the game and emptied my pocket today, but being with you makes me feel like I won the lottery. She said to herself, still wearing the inerasable smile on her face.**
Mina: Don't bet anything again next time!
**She exclaimed.**
**Chaeyoung laughed.**
Chaeng: Why not? It's just for fun. I mean, it's more fun if we put something to it, right?
Mina: But that's not right. I mean, you might get used to it and make it a habit.
Chaeng: Okay! Okay! I'm sorry. I won't do that again.
**They continued to walk until they reached the last stop of the park---the Cable Car!**
**Mina finished her sweet potato, and she enjoyed it. Chaeng's right, it's really tasty. She thought after she stuffed the last part of it in her mouth.**
Chaeng: You like it?
Mina: Hmm...
**Then she nodded.**
Mina: I like it.
**Chaeng nodded, feeling proud with her suggestion to eat that roasted sweet potato in this weather.**
Mina: Eh?
**She stopped when she saw the huge cable car waiting for its passengers.**
Mina: We're going to ride that?
Chaeng: Hmmm... Yeah! So we could go to the tower. Why?
**Mina being scared of heights trembled with the thought of it.**
**She swallowed hard.**
Chaeng: Oh! Sorry! You don't like heights. I forgot.
**Mina's lost for words. She just stood there staring at the cable car, and then at Chaeng.**
Chaeng: Let's not go for it. It's still early, so maybe we could go somewhere else.
**She pressed her lips and smiled, though she wanted to experience it with her. It feels romantic to be holding someone's hand while you're up there. She thought.**
**Mina suddenly felt guilty. It's not right to ruin the moment because she's scared of something. She took a deep breath, and then answered Chaeng.**
Mina: No! Let's go for it.
**She said softly.**
Chaeng: Are you sure? Well, you don't need to do it if it's not comfortable for you.
Mina: I want to. You're not gonna leave my side, right?
**Mina's still scared. But she wanted to do it because it's a rare moment for her, too.**
Chaeng: Of course, I'll stay by your side, promise.
Mina: Okay! Let's go?
**Then she pressed her side onto Chaeng's side, which makes the back of their hands brushed to each other.**
**Chaeyoung froze after feeling Mina's skin against hers, and even froze when she imagined Mina holding it.**
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