**Ryujin came back with a tray in her hand.**
Ryujin: Uhm… I don’t know what to get us, so I brought the generic. Blueberry cheesecakes and our special coffee here.
**She laid it one by one on the table and Lia’s eyes widened. Her mouth instantly watered as soon as the cheesecake sat in front of her.**
Lia: May I?
Ryujin: Oh, sure. Go ahead.
**Ryujin answered before she could even settle herself on her seat, and Lia spooned the cheesecake immediately.**
Lia: Hmm…
**She wiggled, lips pressed together, and stretched from ear to ear.**
Lia: This is so damn good! The best cheesecake I’ve ever tasted!
**Ryujin smiled, watching Lia spoon another bite of cheesecake.**
Ryujin: Thanks.
Lia: Do you guys make it here? Or you order this somewhere?
Ryujin: We make everything here from scratch. We just buy the ingredients from our suppliers.
Lia: Really? Well, why am I so surprised? This is a first-class hotel for sure everyone in the kitchen has extensive training and experience, too.
**Ryujin nodded, still pressing her lips in a smile.**
Lia: Do you… do you need additional crew here?
Ryujin: Wha—what? You want to work here?
Lia: Yeah! I always dream of working in a hotel. They’ll give me more experience in the kitchen.
**She said while cleaning her spoon with her lips.**
Ryujin: So, you want to be a chef?
**Lia nodded, spooning another bite-size of her cheesecake.**
Ryujin: That’s great. I mean, I’d love to be one, too.
Lia: Really? Are you studying now?
**Ryujin’s smile faded. A sudden worry surged into her. What if it will discourage her to see me when she finds out that I stopped my school because I don’t know what I want for my life yet? She thought.**
Ryujin: No. I’m… I’m actually having trouble deciding which one to take.
Lia: Oh… I have the same thing. But I’ll be enrolling next semester. I promised my mom I’ll get a diploma no matter what. I want to have my restaurant or cafe. I don’t want to work for someone else forever.
**Ryujin nodded, agreeing to everything she said.**
Ryujin: Well, I guess I’ll be doing the same thing. I’ll enroll next semester and continue this. I mean, this place taught me a lot. And helped me figure out what I want to do in the future.
**Lia mouthed another spoon of cheesecake and smiled again as it touches the walls of her mouth.**
Lia: Hmm… I like that. Let’s have our own…
**She scanned the entire place, going from the ceiling down to the floor.**
Lia: Place like this. I mean, of course, maybe not as grand as this, but at least something we could say… our own.
**Ryujin giggled, liking the outline of her jaw down to her neck. And her lips, it’s like cherries, glistening and so red.**
Ryujin: We’ll have that.
Lia: Anyway, you said your sister’s the one who helped you work here? What does she do here?
Ryujin: Hmm…
**She hesitated.**
Ryujin: She… she owns this place.
**Lia’s jaw dropped.**
Lia: She… owns this place? Se—seriously?
Ryujin: Ye—yeah. I’m here because she asked me to help her out since I stopped my school and have nothing to do but to dance with my crew. Well, now I find this better than being with the crew. You know.
**Lia’s still in shock about the thing she heard. That this girl in front of her is so damn rich. This hotel is the most expensive one in their town, and then she just almost turned her back to this young lady a moment ago.**
Lia: Wow! I thought you’re just like me who’s, you know… working to save some penny.
**Her expression abruptly turned glam.**
Ryujin: Uhm… well, it’s my sister’s not mine. So, I’m also working here for the paycheck.
**Lia pouted her lips, picking some blueberries on top of her cheesecake.**
Lia: Still, your status is way above mine.
**Ryujin got her point. But does that thing matter? She thought.**
Ryujin: Does that… does that matter? I mean, will that prevent you from going out with me?
**Lia shifted her gaze to her and laid the spoon on the saucer.**
Lia: I don’t know. Maybe?
**Then she shrugged and leaned on her seat.**
Ryujin: Why?
Lia: I told you. I don’t know.
**Ryujin doesn’t know what to say anymore. So, she just leaned on her seat, too, staring at her untouched cheesecake.**
Lia: Uhm… I’m sorry. But we’ll still see each other on Saturday, right? I mean, the gallery?
**Ryujin raised her head and smiled.**
Ryujin: Of course. This status difference doesn’t matter to me. Just so you know.
**Lia sighed heavily.**
Tzuyu: Wow! This is nice.
**She exclaimed as they enter a place that she couldn’t figure out if a restaurant or just some place for sight seeing.**
**Everything is green—trees, plants, mountains, in short, nature everywhere. Then Sana pointed at a house on their left. It’s quite far from the entrance. But Tzuyu seemed to not mind walking towards it since the house is so gorgeous and her smile is just so endless.**
**It’s made of washed hut and bamboo. The upper half of the wall is open so the fresh air could easily enter, and the scenery outside will be the only thing you’ll see while waiting for your food.**
Sana: I know. It’s beautiful, right?
**Sana’s ambling ahead Tzuyu before Tzuyu reached for her hand and walked on her side.**
Tzuyu: Indeed!
**Sana side glanced Tzuyu with her sudden action. It’s the first time a girl held her hand. And though she’s not used to it, she didn’t object. She just let Tzuyu hold it while their sauntering towards the bamboo house.**
Tzuyu: So, are you always here? Gone with someone special? It’s a romantic place for a date. You know.
Sana: Oh… no. I… I had no one with me. I just come here alone.
Tzuyu: What do you mean you have had no one with you?
**Tzuyu’s now gazing at Sana, and Sana’s just looking straight ahead.**
Sana: I mean… I mean, I’ve never been in a relationship. I’m busy with my parents’ business.
Tzuyu: Seriously?
**That was a revelation that Tzuyu didn’t expect to hear. Her mouth left agape.**
Tzuyu: But I’m guessing you’ve dated someone before?
**Sana shook her head, still not meeting Tzuyu’s eyes.**
Tzuyu: Really? So, I’m your first kiss?
**Sana closed her eyes for a second and bumped her shoulder against Tzuyu.**
Sana: Why does it feel you don’t care if it will sound embarrassing to me or not?
**Tzuyu chuckled and tightened her grip on her hand.**
Tzuyu: Sorry. I’m just teasing you. And… and it just flatters me that I’m your first.
**Sana keeps her silence before they approached the stairs to the bamboo house.**
Sana: Let’s have that table?
**She pointed at the one near the corner. Only three tables are unavailable, which makes it more serene.**
Tzuyu: Sure.
**But even before they occupy the table, someone recognized Sana and approached them.**
Officer Kim: Is that you, Ms. Minatozaki?
**Both Sana and Tzuyu reeled to see who that person is. It’s Officer Kim, who helped solve Chaeyoung’s case several days ago.**
Sana: Oh… yeah, it’s me. I know you. Wait! Sorry, I need to recollect my memory.
Officer Kim: You forgot my name, don’t you?
**Officer Kim’s smile is endless, but when she spotted how Tzuyu clasps Sana’s hand it fades.**
Sana: Of course, not. It’s Dahyun, right? Kim Dahyun? You were in the piano club with my friend in high school, right?
Officer Kim: Wow, I’m impressed. I’m not expecting you to remember me ‘cause we never talked before.
Sana: I guess I just have an excellent memory.
Officer Kim: Uhm… anyway, nice meeting you again, Ms. Minatozaki.
Sana: Hey! Sana, would be fine. We’re no longer in high school. By the way, this is my friend, Tzuyu.
**Tzuyu’s smile is quick.**
**Officer Kim’s smile went wide again.**
Officer Kim: Hi. Dahyun. Kim Dahyun.
**She stretched her hand for a hand shake. But it took Tzuyu a second before she let go of Sana to extend hers to Officer Kim.**
Tzuyu: Hi. Chou Tzuyu.
**Were the only words that came out of her mouth. And she didn’t even smile after introducing herself.**
Officer Kim: Nice meeting you. Anyway, I’ll go now. I guess I’m already bothering you, guys.
Sana: Oh… of course, not. It’s nice to see someone from school days. You know. It brings back the memory.
Officer Kim: Right. So, maybe catch up soon in case we bump into each other again?
Sana: Sure. Sure. No problem.
**Then Officer Kim turned her back from the two and headed to her table, while Sana and Tzuyu continued to occupy the table at the corner.**
Tzuyu: Hmm… someone from high school, huh?
Sana: Yeah, I remember she’s this tiny kid from the piano club. She’s so great at playing, and one of my classmates has a crush on her.
Tzuyu: Oh, really?
**She said coldly.**
Sana: What’s with the tone?
**Sana asked while settling herself at the table.**
**Tzuyu shrugged and picked up the menu lying on the table.**
Tzuyu: Weren’t you so excited while recollecting your memory for her name?
**She wasn’t looking. Her eyes are wandering at the mouthwatering photos in the menu.**
Sana: What? Of course, I need to search my memory for her name since she didn’t forget me. Besides, what’s wrong with that?
Tzuyu: Well, I’m not saying there’s something wrong with that. I’m just asking. You know.
**She raised her head and gazed at Sana with her lips twitched on the side.**
Sana: Are you jealous?
Tzuyu: Me? Jealous? Why should I? I just noticed that she has something on you.
Sana: What are you saying?
**Tzuyu shrugged again.**
Tzuyu: Is that how naïve you are?
**Sana shook her head in disbelief. How could this girl in front of her talk to her like that? She thought.**
Sana: Why does it sound like I did something wrong to you? And besides, are we arguing?
Tzuyu: Nah. We’re just talking. And just trying to tell you that tiny kid from your high school likes you.
Sana: Whaaaat?
**Sana exclaimed.**
Tzuyu: I knew it. You’re naïve about this thing. The way she changed her expression when she saw us holding hands already told me that there’s something strange in her. And I’m guessing that she already has that strange thing for you since your high school days.
Sana: You know what, I get nothing from what you’d said. And I don’t want to think about it.
Tzuyu: All right. What’s the best one here?
**Sana looked away, and Tzuyu just sits there, staring at her and waiting for her answer.**
Tzuyu: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said something. Maybe I just don’t like her. That’s it.
Sana: We’re not even together, yet. Just want you to know that.
Tzuyu: Right.
**Then she saw Sana smiled, yet still looking outside.**
Sana: You’re jealous, aren’t you?
**Tzuyu snorted and returned to the menu.**
Tzuyu: Is there something wrong with that?
Sana: Nah. It’s just too soon, you know.
Tzuyu: Well, what’s the best here? I’m hungry.
**Sana stifled her laugh while watching Tzuyu in her peripheral.**
Mina: So, what do you think? Are all the conditions in the paper all right with you?
**Mina asked, lying in Chaeyoung’s right shoulder and tracing her collar on her bed. Chaeng tightened her grip and kissed her on her forehead.**
Chaeng: Hmm… I guess. I don’t know why I easily forgave him. Maybe because I have you already, though I know it’s still a risk to trust him.
Mina: I guess it’s also better to settle things privately. At least we know he’ll be going back to Canada and won’t come back anymore.
Chaeng: Yeah. I thought about it, too.
**She then loosened her grip on Mina’s back and kissed her gently. She pushed Mina to lie on her back, lips still lock on her lover.**
Chaeng: Thank you for everything. It’s the first time in a long time I feel I’m with someone again.
**Mina didn’t say a word but stare into her eyes instead. Then she placed her hand on Chaeng’s cheek, memorizing every part of her face.**
Mina: Thank you, too. Thank you ‘cause you didn’t leave, even if these things are happening because of me.
Chaeng: Don’t say that. None of this is your fault.
Mina: But…
Chaeng: Ssssh… trust me. None of this is your fault. Okay?
Mina: Okay.
🥂....Miss Sora 💕💖💗. Congrats ladies for yt 🏆🎊🎉. Twice ot9 🔥
ReplyDeleteAuthorninm, when will you post the ep.43?? Thank you for this ep. I'm a bit latricky
ReplyDeleteI mean I'm a bit late
DeleteHello authornim
ReplyDeletehow are you ? hope you are fine
did you vote for Momo for best dancer?