Coffee and Letters Ep. 8 - (A MiChaeng FF Story)

Coffee and Letters Ep. 8 - (A MiChaeng FF Story)

**My story? Chaeng asked herself. Does she have an interesting story to tell the world? Or even just for this gorgeous lady in front of her? Does she have something to tell? She repeated in her head while staring at Mina, who's waiting for her answer intently.**

**Mina has no intention of changing the question. And Chaeng could see it in her eyes that she’s patiently waiting for her.**

Chaeng: Hmm... can we drop the formality first? I mean, you can call me Chaeng, since I'll be calling you Mina, right?

**Chaeng picked up her wine glass and took a sip. Then she stared at it for a while before she gets back to Mina.**

Chaeng: This is nice. It’s different from the one I had the other night.

Mina: Hmm… fan of wines?

Chaeng: Not really. I more prefer cold beer whenever I eat meat. I’m not into formal set up, too.

**She chuckled before she realized that what they have right now is kind of formal. Well, it just so happened that she’s wearing casual tonight that’s why it slipped from her mind.**

**Mina smiled. It didn’t surprise her to hear Chaeng admit that she’s not into a formal setting ‘cause the first time she saw her, she already has this denim and shirt vibe kind of girl.**

Chaeng: Oh… I’m guessing you prefer wine to other alcohols?

Mina: Hmm… the thing is, I’m not really into any alcohols. I just take enough when needed.

**Mina wanted to ask Chaeng again about her story. But since it’s obvious that Chaeng was trying to divert her attention to something else, she let it go.**

Chaeng: Anyway, you were asking for my story, aren’t you?

Mina: Well, if you’re not comfortable answering my question, it’s fine.

Chaeng: It’s not that I don’t want to answer the question. I just realized that I have no story to... tell. Not a single interesting story to give about my life.

**Is it really possible that a writer like you doesn’t have a story to tell? I didn’t need a fairytale kind of story, just a real one will do. Mina wants to say. But saying those things to Chaeng will only make her look so... intrusive. So she just kept her silence and waited again for Chaeng to change her mind.**

Chaeng: Well, you might not believe me at some point, but it’s true. I might be writing stories to entertain people, but my life is somewhat different from those. It’s like my life is in the opposite direction. No adventure to tell, no love story to share, no parties to describe, and doesn’t even have a job to put on my resume.

**Mina couldn’t believe what she’s hearing. Someone who could paint a picture in her head through words has an empty story in her jar? How would you come up with beautiful stories if you yourself didn't even see it before your eyes?**

Mina: Then… then how did you write all those stories? I mean, if you haven’t experienced it yet?

Chaeng: Well, that’s the beauty of writing, you live in your fantasies. You can put anything you want to experience and any reaction you wish to receive from other people on a piece of paper.

Mina: But, how could you put emotions to it if you haven’t felt it? Like… you know, falling in love? Having the first kiss.

**Mina said softly, which kind of melted Chaeng’s heart. Why does the sound of your voice could make my knees go weak? She wondered.**

**She could never go wrong that this girl really has an effect on her. No doubt about it. And this new experience excites her, but make her feel nervous at the same time. What if she falls for her, and she doesn’t?**

Chaeng: Maybe… maybe I’m a hopeless romantic? Honestly, I don’t know. I actually write my stories spontaneously, rather than following an outline to make my story clean from flaws.

**She paused to lean forward, and the lights hanging in the middle of them illuminate her face even more. That made Mina see the unique contour of her lips. I thought she’s wearing light make-up, but she’s not. She’s on her bare face, yet she still looks so beautiful.**

Chaeng: Well, I always believe stories should not be that clean unless it’s about crimes or laws or something. You know, those stories should be written carefully and smartly, or else your readers will point out so many things and might hate you at some point.

**She said enthusiastically, and Mina could notice how this topic is moving her. And that’s what matters now, she’s talking. Mina thought.**

Mina: So, does that mean some writers outlined their stories first before they write the whole thing?

Chaeng: Hmm… that I’m not sure of. But the principle is to organize your thoughts. You know, just like when you’re baking cakes, you have the recipe with you and you need to follow the exact measurement of everything, right? But I don’t do that. I follow nothing. I don’t even know the ending of my own stories until I’m on the last chapter.

**She leaned against the backrest of her seat again and chuckled. It was like she’d just revealed the secret ingredients of her writing method.**

Mina: What? You mean, you don’t know the whole story until you’re on the last page?

**Mina was shocked by the way Chaeng write her books. How could that be possible? How would you even start the first chapter if you don’t know where it’s going? Isn’t it like walking blindly in a pitch-black alley?**

Chaeng: You got it. All I need is a first paragraph to make the first chapter. And when I’m done, I wonder what will happen to the characters after that. Are they going to move in this direction or the other way? And so on.

Mina: So, it’s like cooking based on your palate and not based on the recipe.

**That’s genius. Mina thought. It’s hard for newbies to just rely on their palates. So, they choose to follow directions from recipe books. And for her, even though she’d been working in the kitchen for so many years, she still opens her recipe books once in a while to confirm the measurements of her ingredients.**

Chaeng: Exactly! Besides, if people will see flaws in my stories, it’s fine with me. I mean, real life has so many flaws. Then why should I worry about it, right?

**You’re weird, yet that what makes you outstanding, I guess. Mina wants to blurt out, but then kept it to herself, and then smiled.**

Chaeng: Anyway, have you read the one Ryujin lent you? The book you asked me to sign?

**Mina almost forgot about it. Good thing she read seven chapters before she fell asleep last night. At least, that gave her an idea about the flow of the story, and that she has some thoughts to share.**

Mina: Hmm… I was a bit confused at the beginning, to be honest. I mean, how would you make a story out of a character who doesn’t talk? She’s not mute, but she’s not talking, right? But that thing makes me want to know more. Like how will the story go? How will she communicate, and how will she express herself in a way that won’t change who she is? I still think that Eliza is odd, but maybe that’s what makes the story interesting.

**Chaeng grinned, feeling proud at how Mina saw the story. It’s indeed the reason she made an experiment about her character. She wants her reader to crave for more and have their own desire to know the story each time they flip the pages.**

Chaeng: That’s exactly the reason I created Eliza. If you’ll meet someone like her, would you dare to know her? I mean, most of us misinterpret people like her. Don’t we? Introverts don’t usually get the understanding that they need and deserve. Society thinks they're odd, weird, strange, or whatever name they want to call them. Because this world is mostly for people who love the crowd, such as those extroverted people I know.

**Chaeng paused again to take the last gulp of her wine. Hmm… didn’t realize that it’s perfect for the stake. They indeed care about the food they serve to their customers. If only this place is in the city, this might be my go-to place. She thought.**

**Mina nodded, agreeing to what Chaeng just said. Maybe... maybe the real reason she's curious about Eliza is that she sees herself to her. That sometimes people misunderstood her as a snob or having her own world.**

Chaeng: Anyway, thanks for the food. Your menu is indeed one of the best. I don’t know how you do it, but it feels like I’m in a five-star hotel.

**Mina smiled sheepishly. She thinks her cheeks are turning red by the compliment she got from her. It’s not like it’s the first time she heard it. It’s the way Chaeng stares at her that made her shrink from her seat.**

Mina: Thank you.

**She mumbled after she turned to her now empty plate.**

Chaeng: Hmm… you want to walk. I just discovered that you have a nice pathway here where you hang huge yellow lights on its side. I just kind of like it. But if… if you’re not into walking that’s fine.

**It’s been a long time since Mina took the time to walk outside the hotel. If she’s not mistaken, the last time she roamed outside and designed it was when Jeong was still with her. Jeong loves the cold breeze of the night and the sight outside the hotel. They can see the town below and she’s fascinated with the lights illuminating from each house and building.**

Mina: Why not? I haven’t… I haven’t done it in a while.

**Chaeng’s eyes widened when she heard it. What do you mean you haven’t done it in a while? You’re here every day, which means you can walk outside whenever you want. She wants to say.**

Chaeng: Oooh… okay. Let’s go then?


Chaeng: Hmm… Sorry. I know I didn’t answer your question earlier. I mean, it's supposed to be about my life, right? That it doesn't matter if it's interesting or not.

**Mina tilted her head towards Chaeng, who’s looking straight ahead. They were walking towards a bench facing the town. It was cold, and Mina’s starting to feel it crawling on her shoulders down to her arms. Shit! I should have brought a cardigan with me.**

Chaeng: Well, it’s not my intention to skip it. It’s just, I'm not used to talking to people about my life.

**Then Chaeng gestured Mina to take a seat when they reached the bench with the perfect view of the town below them.**

Chaeng: Anyway, the only story I carry with me right now is…

**She paused for a while, still staring ahead though not looking at something in particular. She didn't even notice Mina staring at her. ‘Cause, what she’s focused on right now is the story she's about to tell.**

Chaeng: Is the fact that I lost my parents in an accident a year ago. Just like you, I had lost someone. The difference is, I lost two.

**Then she turned to Mina, whose eyes aren’t blinking even once.**

**Mina didn’t answer ‘cause she has nothing to say. How could she say that it’s okay? That everything will be all right, if she herself is not yet done mending her broken soul?**

Chaeng: I… I’ve never been in a relationship. So, I don’t know how it feels to lose someone you love. But I somehow understand you. I might not have lost the other half of my heart, but I’ve lost the two persons who taught me how to love, and that’s my parents.

**She’s not expecting Mina to say something. It’s even fine with her if Mina will keep her silence even after telling her how unfortunate she is.**

Chaeng: And the reason why I’m here, is because I need to reset everything in my life. I’m stuck with this pain for a while now, so my best friend thought that maybe it’s time for me to find a place where I could see something new.

**So, this is what Ryujin was talking about yesterday? That she’s losing her imagination ‘cause she’s suffering from so much pain? Mina thought.**

**She finally understands everything now, and finally gets why… why they met.**

Mina: But it’s hard to get away from it. Isn’t it?

**Chaeng took a deep breath, audible enough for Mina to hear it. No one would really understand unless someone has undergone the same pain. Chaeng wants to say. But told it to herself, instead.**

**Maybe… maybe we’re here to mend each other. Mina wants to continue. But what if Chaeng wasn’t thinking the same? And instead of helping her get away from all this pain, she’ll just distance herself from her. It’s not that she’s expecting something after this dinner. But talking to her the entire time they were together made her feel that she wants to know her more. That this dinner isn’t the first and the last... 'cause she’s hoping to see her again.**


**Chaeng walked Mina to her car and for the first time, she felt lighter. Like the burden of the pain of losing her parents somewhat lessen.**

Chaeng: I know I’ve thanked you already for the dinner, but I’m saying it again. Thank you for coming tonight. Well, isn’t it weird to say, thank you for coming tonight? You own the place, so basically, I shouldn’t be saying it, right?

**Mina chuckled. She finally sees Chaeng smile again after their talk at the bench.**

Mina: Well, maybe it’s better to say, thank you for inviting me tonight. It was a… it was an amazing dinner. I mean, it’s been a while since I had that kind of conversation.

Chaeng: Hmm… me, too. Well, thank you for saying yes.

**Then no one speaks again. They were just there staring at each other, suppressing their smiles, and waiting who will say good night first. But Chaeng couldn’t wait any longer, so she uttered those two words.**

Chaeng: Good night!

**But before Mina answered her and climbed in her car, she took one step closer towards Chaeng and gave her a peck on her right cheek.**

Mina: Hmm… good night!


Episode 7         Episode 9

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