[eBook] Crush On You Ep. 27 - (A MiChaeng FF Story)

[eBook] Crush On You Ep. 27 - (A MiChaeng FF Story)

Hyun: Dad, are you sure we're going in the right direction?

Chaeng Dad: Uhmmm...

**Dad isn't also sure about that. He's not really good at using maps, so maybe... Yes! It seems like it. They're away from the right trail.**

**Hyun was behind Dad, trying to peek at the map.**

Hyun: Dad! It's upside down! I knew it because the trail is in that direction.

**Then he pointed at their southeast.**

**Mom laughed. She knew this will happen since dad doesn't have a sense of direction.**

Mina: I thought your dad and mom always go hiking when they were young?

**Chaeyoung giggled.**

Chaeng: Yeah! And they always end up like this. Dad being confused with the map, and mom ending-up holding it. Just like Hyun now.

**Mina giggled, too. Couldn't believe this surreal experience she's having with Chaeng's family.**

**Hyun lead the way, while dad and mom walk behind him, and Chaeng and Mina ended up taking their time trailing at the back.**

Chaeng: Well, that's the reason Dad wanted to trek as early as seven, so he has a lot of time to go back and forth in case he gets lost.

**Chaeng giggled again.**

Hyun: See, dad this is the trail. We're on the right track, now.

Chaeng Dad: How do you expect me to see that? It's too narrow.

Chaeng Mom: You never changed! You're still lacking in direction.

**Mom teased.**

**Dad scratched the back of his neck. Embarrassed that he still makes mistakes every time they go for a trek.**

Chaeng: It's fine dad, it's still early. We'll be there before lunch.

**Hyun and mom laughed 'cause it's only an hour-trek.**

Chaeng Dad: I thought you're my ally here Chaeyoung! Why are you teasing me like these two?

**Dad continued to walk and didn't stop to face Mina and Chaeng.**

**Chaeng giggled before she answered.**

Chaeng: Sorry, dad. I love you.

Chaeng Dad: That sounds better. I love you, too, honey.

**Mina grabbed Chaeyoung's forearm when she stepped on something slippery.**

Mina: Eeeeh?

Chaeng: What was that?

Mina: I don't know. A slug, maybe?

Chaeng: Poor slug.

Mina: Sorry, slug. I didn't mean to step on you.

**Then Chaeng looked at her and smiled. Her eyes were speaking a language that Mina understood. It's telling her how beautiful she is.**

**Mina smiled back, melting with the way Chaeng looked at her.**

Mina: Stop it!

**She said softly, blushing.**

Chaeng: Stop what? I'm doing nothing.

Mina: You do! You're making my heart pound so fast that it might pop out from my chest.

**Chaeng grinned, and then rested her left hand on Mina's shoulder.**

Chaeng: Should I say sorry for that?

Mina: Hmm... Are you even sorry for that?

Chaeng: I don't think so.

**Then she poked Mina's cheek, which was glowing under the ray of sunlight.**

**It's almost nine when they reached the picnic table.**

Mina: Uwuuuu!

**Mina said with her small voice.**

Chaeng: Amazing, isn't it?

**They're surrounded by trees, a lake, and mountains in front of them, which makes it so refreshing.**

Mina: I can stay here for a long time, you know. It's so serene.

Chaeng: I know. That's why dad loves this place. He could reboot himself from the pressure he's having in the office.

Mina: I guess I'll do the same if in case I feel pressured with our schedules.

Chaeng: Then let's drive here often, and make this our own place.

**Mina abruptly turned to Chaeng. She wants to understand what she meant about that.**

Chaeng: I mean, why don't we make this place our secret and private place. Away from fame, people, and everything. Just us, being young and wild.

Mina: You're a true artist. Don't you know that? You're good at words and arts, and I'm really impressed.

Chaeng: Is that why you fall for me?

Mina: No! I fall for you because it's you. And not because you're good at things.

**They paused as if someone is taking their photos that they need to stand still. But their eyes were talking to each other the language that only hearts could understand.**

**Mina broke their gaze and stared at the lake again.**

Mina: So, how'd you fallen for me?

Chaeng: Hmm... Is it strange if I'll say I have no tangible reason for that?

Mina: Did you just copy mine?

**Chaeng giggled.**

Chaeng: Shouldn't you be happy to know that we fall because we have no reason? At least, that means we also have no reason to fall out of love.

**Hyun suddenly rushed in between Chaeng and Mina. Wrapping his arms to their shoulders.**

Hyun: Are you two going to flirt with each other here? Or you're going to join us and have some breakfast?

Mina: Why don't you remove your arm around her?

**Hyun removed his hand on Chaeng's shoulder but held Mina in his arm tighter.**

Hyun: Why? I'm holding her like my sister, too. Right, Minari?

**To make the show more believable, Mina leaned her head on Hyun's shoulder.**

Mina: Yeah! I guess it's fine.

**Hyun raised his hand for a high five, and Mina met it in mid-air.**

**Chaeng hit him in his chest, which made him groaned in pain.**

Chaeng Dad: Kids! Come here stop playing around. I'm hungry!

Chaeng: Okay, dad! Be there.

**Then the three of them walked together. Hyun still in the middle and wrapping the two girls in his arms.**

Chaeng Mom: So, what do you think Mina? You like this place?

Chaeng Dad: Sorry for asking you to walk for an hour.

**Dad interrupted.**

Mina: No problem, dad. I like it here so much.

**She said while talking in her seat.**

Chaeng Mom: We always come here when we were still dating. It feels so romantic here. Isn't it, dad?

**Mom turned her head to dad, waiting for dad's answer.**

Chaeng Dad: It is. That's why I chose this place to propose to her. First was telling her how much I love her. Then the second was asking her to marry me.

**Mina smiled from ear to ear at the thought of it. It was indeed the most romantic place for Chaeng's parents. Just like how she sees this place.**

Chaeng Dad: And I'm hoping that you guys...

**Dad was referring to these three young human being in front of him.**

Chaeng Dad: Will find a romantic place with your partners. You must have a place where you will come back o matter what year it is.

Hyun: That's so cringy, dad. First I'm only sixteen and dating isn't my thing yet. Too broke to have a girlfriend yet, you know.

Chaeng Mom: Good to know that you have that kind of thinking young man.

**Hyun winked at mom, then laughed.**

Hyun: Of course, mom! I always listen to you, you know.

Chaeng Mom: I know! Now, drink your chocolate milk.

Hyun: Ay, ay, mom!


Episode 26       Episode 28

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