[eBook] Crush On You Ep. 37 - (A MiChaeng FF Story feat. SaTzu)

[eBook] Crush On You Ep. 37 - (A MiChaeng FF Story feat. SaTzu)

**Mina and Chaeng hurried up after they read Jihyo's text. Both of them were anxious about the tone of the message.**

**What would it be? Is the same question that kept on repeating in their head.**

**They arrived at exactly eight forty-five at their dorm's door, and Chaeng was walking behind Mina.**

Chaeng: I thought we need to gather in the living room at nine? Why does it feel like we're the only ones here?

Mina: Hmm... Maybe they're already in the living room and just as anxious as we are.

Chaeng: Oh! Right!

**Then they finally walked quietly towards the living room. Chaeng is still behind Mina, and when they arrived there, they're the only ones missing.**


**Everyone was sitting on the floor, forming a circle so they could see each other's expressions.**

**Chaeng searched Jihyo immediately to explain to her.**

Chaeng: We're still early right?

Jihyo: I'm not asking anything Chaeng. Why don't you two find your place?

**Chaeyoung nodded, and then both of them walked towards the circle.**

**Dahyun made space between her and Momo so they could give Chaeng and Mina a place to sit in.**

Jihyo: Since we're now complete, I just want to ask a little favor from you guys. Let's all be honest. Let's be honest with each other and not think about being embarrassed or something.

**She paused and stared at each face in front of her.**

Jihyo: Well, our managers talked to me before I went home. The thing is, they wanted to see everyone sooner, but I asked them to meet you guys first before we'll have a meeting with them.

**Everyone suddenly got anxious. Thinking if they did something wrong. If ever they did, what would it be?

Jeong: Why don't you just tell us now and stop fussing around?

**Jeong interjected. She doesn't want to sound impatient, but even she was getting anxious with this long introduction.**

**Jihyo sighed. She's anxious, too, and doesn't even know how to say it. What if they're not ready to reveal themselves yet? That might affect them so much and might compromise their work, their performance. But, she realized Jeong is right. She should stop fussing around and get straight to the point.**

Jihyo: All right! So...

**She, again, gazed at each pair of eyes.**

Jihyo: Do you have something to tell us? Some secrets that you think the group should know?

Momo: Like what? I mean, if it's a secret, I have a lot of it. But I don't think it concerns anyone here.

Nayeon: What's that secret Momo?

**Nayeon asked with her wrinkled forehead.**

Momo: That I went to the wine shop the other day before our practice and drunk a few glasses?

Jihyo: What? You went for a drink before our practice?

**Jihyo exclaimed. Couldn't believe that Momo has a sliver of alcohol in her blood while practicing the other day.**

**Jeong was stifling a laugh. She finds Momo's secret a little funny. First, it's illegal to drink while you're at work. Second, she doesn't think it's the thing Jihyo was talking about.**

Sana: You know it's illegal to drink while at work. What if someone caught you? You think they'll let it pass?

Momo: But no one did. Besides, it's just wine. I didn't even get tipsy. I'm stressed. What do you want me to do?

Jihyo: Momo, if you want to drink, let us know, okay? We could drink all night here at the dorm, but not outside, especially not when we have practice.

**Jihyo said as calmly as she could. She couldn't blame her or them. The management is pushing them to their limits, and she understands Momo and her action.**

Nayeon: Jihyo is right, we can always join you if you want. Just don't do it alone, okay? And not outside.

Momo: Sorry. I just don't know how to wash away this stress.

**She said softly. A bit embarrassed by her silly action.**

Jihyo: It's fine. As I said, let's be more open and honest to each other.

**Everyone nodded.**

Jihyo: Whichever that thing is, okay? So... Anyone who's also keeping a secret?

**No one dared to say something again. Not even looking at Jihyo's eyes.**

Jihyo: Well, it looks like no one is interested in telling their little secret, so maybe it's better if I'll give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

**She paused for a second and stared at Chaeng who's been silent since she and Mina joined the group. She was staring back at Jihyo. She knows and feels that this little secret was about her and Mina.**

Jihyo: It's about this secret relationship that this group has. If you won't let us know who you are, how will we protect you from news and talks? How are we going to cover you up?

Jeong: Why don't you guys speak up? We're not here to judge you. We already know it. We just need you guys to confirm it. It's just the way things are.

**Still, no one's speaking.**

Jihyo: All right! No one's speaking, so maybe you should know how the management knew about it. they saw a video of you together. holding hands and secretly touching each other. If you want, I could play the video for you. They sent it to me.

Nayeon: Wait! Where did this video come from?

Jihyo: It was uploaded publicly for fun. But the management didn't find it funny. they think it might change the image of the two, and might affect everyone. Though I don't think it will.

Jeong: Wouldn't it pass as fan service? I mean, if it's a fan cam during our fan meetings or performances, it still could pass as a fan service, right?

Jihyo: The thing is, it doesn't look like a fan service because it wasn't obvious. Like they didn't intend to touch each other. It's like a natural impulse to touch your partner without you even noticing it.

**Jihyo giggled. Couldn't suppress her happiness anymore.**

Jeong: What's that?

**She asked, confused.**

**Everyone was puzzled by the sudden change in Jihyo's mood.**

Jihyo: Sorry. I just remembered the content of the video, it's just so cute and mesmerizing. They look so good together that even you will fall in love with them.

**Nayeon laughed. She totally understands Jihyo, because even she is a fan of these two.**

Jihyo: Anyway, why don't you guys say who you are? I want those things to come from you and not from me.

**Mina shifted close to Chaeng, sending a signal about what they need to tell the group, which Chaeng immediately understood.**

**But before Chaeng could even make a move, Sana already raised her hand.**

Sana: Okay! Tzuyu and I are officially dating now. We're trying our best to be careful, but sometimes I just couldn't hide it anymore. It's like I want to kiss her every time I see her.

**Tzuyu giggled, and everyone was shocked by the abrupt revelation, and all of them turned their head towards the two.**

Jihyo: Whaaaaaat?

**Jihyo exclaimed. Couldn't believe everything she just heard because it wasn't the relationship she was talking about.**

Jihyo: You, too? How did it happen? Tzuyu? How? Why did you say yes to her?

**Everyone laughed because they know what Jihyo meant. Sana is just too flirty to be tied up with someone.**

Momo: You'll regret it, Tzuyu. I'm telling you. That girl won't stay still.

Sana: Yaaaaaah! Don't brainwash her! You have no idea how much work I did so she could give me another chance!

Momo: Oooh! So you're serious about this now? That you'll chance and won't flirt with anyone anymore?

**Everyone laughed again, enjoying their argument.**

**Dahyun leaned closer to Chaeng and whispered.**

Dahyun: Do you know about this?

**Chaeng shook her head first before she answered.**

Chaeng: No. I didn't even notice they were seeing each other. Tzuyu looks so normal every day.

Dahyun: I didn't notice it, too. I didn't also see a change in her mood or expression.

Chaeng: She's really good at hiding things. Isn't she?

Dahyun: Right! So, I'm guessing that Jihyo's reference is for you and Mina, and not for these two.

Chaeng: I'm thinking the same.

Jeong: Heeeey!

**She shouted to cut Sana and Momo's playful argument.**

Jeong: Why don't we give Sana the benefit of the doubt, and support her in proving herself to Tzuyu?

Momo: She's dangerous, and it's not easy to trust someone like her.

Sana: Yaaaaah! I hate you.

**Then Momo made a face and stuck her tongue out to diss Sana more.**

**Jihyo chuckled with their childish argument.**

Jihyo: Okay! Okay! Enough. I'm not referring to you and Tzuyu. There's someone else. But knowing that you two are now dating is something to take note of, too.

**Mina raised her hand, which surprised Chaeng. She didn't realize Mina would be that brave to tell everyone about them.**

**Besides, she thought she was so anxious about it. But now she's going to reveal what they are?**

Mina: I guess you were talking about me?

**She paused and turned her head to Chaeyoung.**

Mina: And Chaeng?


Episode 36       Episode 38

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